TERM 3 REVIEW 2020-21


This term, Year 2 were required to celebrate their graduation online, to ensure that this special milestone was marked.

During this virtual event, Year 2 shared their memories from the year. Students and teachers were also joined by many parents, along with a surprise guest, Ms Dao, one of the children's previous teaching assistants. 

The children watched a special video presentation arranged by the Year 2 teaching team, reminded them of all they had achieved during the academic year. 

The graduation from Year 2 to Year 3 is celebrated at Shrewsbury every year. This important transition brings a number of changes for the children at City Campus, including moving the majority of their learning upstairs in the school's primary building, and a new school uniform of a white shirt and tie. 

The school plans to host it's formal prize-giving ceremony for the current Year 2 students when the school site is able to re-open safely. 

Congratulations to our Year 2 graduates!

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