TERM 2 REVIEW 2020-21


Cross-campus collaboration is a regular and important part of Shrewsbury's working practice. This week, the strong connection with our sister campus, Shrewsbury Riverside, was on show as Team Leaders from across our two sites met for their regular council of ‘best practice’ and success.

We are one school and two campuses; we offer unique benefits with one united set of values. Those values are regularly re-confirmed in cross collaborative exchanges, where academic staff come together to ensure information and learning is shared. 


What does this mean for our students?
A great example is our Early Year ‘Play-Dates’: EY1 and EY2 students from both Riverside and City Campus routinely come together to share in play and exploration based activities. The idea started right from the beginning of City Campus' founding term and its purpose is simple: we introduce students to each other early, we help create and nurture friendships and we establish connections that will last throughout a student’s journey at Shrewsbury Bangkok.

While Play-Dates may not continue past Early Years, our cross-campus collaboration does. Shrewsbury staff ensure regular and structured joint-campus projects are the norm. Our topic based learning approach, which sees STEAM subjects integrated into cohesive themes and ideas, is planned and agreed by both sites so that learning can be combined and end of topic celebra


Our shared school motto states: Intus si recte ne labora: "If the heart is right all will be well". We believe that our ongoing mission to share in all that is well allows our two campuses to work in unison on the things that matter and provide the best quality education for all of our students.

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+66 2 203 1222
