TERM 3 REVIEW 2019-20


Year 4 enjoyed many learning experiences and memorable moments during their studies at home. The children shot videos, created virtual worlds, used mountains to write stories,, communicated on Flipgrid, challenged each other in Word Mania, met together in Zooms, played virtual Kahoot quizzes, read together, and explored plants and animals in their local areas.

Our Year 4 students showed their maturity and willingness to adapt throughout their time of learning at home. Through Zoom and Seesaw, the children and the teaching team pulled together, persevered, and continued to make the most of their learning. 

One particular highlight from Year 4’s home learning was their Rube Goldberg Machines project. Carrying out a variety of ordinary tasks from feeding pets to turning on cooling fans, the children used a multitude of everyday items, exploring cause and effect to achieve their goals. The students’ designs gave an insight into the depth and extend of their imaginations,

This time of learning at home was unusual and unprecedented for us all. Year 4 reflected on their experiences through the FOBISIA Silver Linings creative writing competition. Students looked for and found the positives in this difficult time including: being more independent, taking care of others, spending quality time with family and pets, cooking, planting seeds and playing with friends online. 

Ms Jenna Tait, Year 4 Class Teacher reflected, “It isn’t easy to be caught up in a worldwide pandemic and to be separated from friends and family. Year 4 showed strength and tremendous courage throughout our time of home learning. Well done Year 4!

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