TERM 3 REVIEW 2019-20


Year 1’s topic-based learning was undeterred during this term’s period of home learning. The children enjoyed participating in activities and learning opportunities centred around their half-termly topics including ‘Out of This World’, ‘Toys and Games’ and ‘Once Upon a Time’.

Live Zoom sessions kept Year 1 going at home. These online interactions have provided a new way to form and strengthen friendships throughout the year. The Year 1 teachers observed that, through those relationships, the pupils supported one another in developing their understanding and application of City Campus’s values in their day-to-day lives, showing themselves to be kind, caring and hardworking children. 

The student’s home learning achievements were celebrated weekly through awards for celebration winners and reading champions. The Year 1 teaching team commented on the kindness and support that Year 1 showed in celebrating their friend’s successes, through posting positive messages of congratulations and praise.

Ms Oliva Matthews reported, “Year 1 have loved sharing and showcasing their wonderful learning on Seesaw this term. The school closure did not stop our students from continuing to learn, experience and immerse themselves in school life, the curriculum and beyond! We have been incredibly proud of all our children have achieved during their online learning.

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