TERM 3 REVIEW 2019-20


Whilst at home, EY2 have ventured through fairy tales, explored outer space, trekked the plains of Africa, and much more!

Our teachers immersed our children in the world of Traditional Tales, such as The Gingerbread ManThe Very Hungry Caterpillar and Handa’s Surprise. Whilst exploring the stories at home, EY2 were tasked by their teachers to chose characters to play, to make predictions about what might happen, and to retell the stories in their own ways. This retelling included some unique and creative twists, such as Little Red Riding Hood escaping from the wolf on a unicorn, the Three Little Pigs making friends with the Big Bad Wolf and inviting him for tea, and Jack climbing the beanstalk to find a Lego world filled with dinosaurs!

This fascination for fairytales also saw children plant their own beanstalks. Students took great care in looking after their plants, checking on them each day and measuring them to see how tall they had grown.

The children also embraced diversity by reading about Hanya’s adventures in Kenya in the story of Hanya’s Surprise. Our teachers reported that EY2 were perceptive and interested in how Handa’s world varied from their own. Students learnt about different parts of Africa by going on animal safaris, making tribal necklaces, and drawing comparisons between Thailand and the continent of Africa. 

The children have made sure to show thought and care for the wellbeing of their classmates during these times of isolation. EY2 got busy writing cards and letters, video-calling their friends and wishing their classmates a ‘happy birthday’ during Zoom sessions.

In their Phonics and Maths lessons, our teachers continued to guide the children towards new sounds and concepts,  as well as consolidating the skills the children already had. Specialist Lessons ensured the children continued to develop their music and language skills as well as keeping fit.

Cooking remained a firm favourite for EY2 as they transferred their culinary skills from the Little Kitchen in the Early Years Hub, to their tables and worktops at home. The children demonstrated great independence in chopping their chosen ingredients, following instructions on recipes and cooking up treats to share with their families.

Our teachers also transported the children to outer space during their time of learning at home. EY2 asked questions about the sun, the moon and the stars, they learned how to research different topics, and then presented their findings in an engaging and informative way. Their curiosity was fuelled by a special interaction with the real world of space, as EY2 watched the NASA X space shuttle blast off into space, as streamed via NASA’s website. 

Ms Elysia Madge, EY2 Team Leader reflected, “I have been blown away by the resilience, enthusiasm and positivity that EY2 have displayed throughout the course of home learning. We have seen many big smiles and heard excited voices, as the children shared their learning on SeeSaw and Zoom. Our students and their families should be so proud of their achievements!

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