TERM 1 REVIEW 2019-20


City Campus continues to provide excellent sporting opportunities for its students, as the PE and Aquatics teaching team for 2019/20 are introduced. 

Mr Leon Nelson (pictured back right) joins the department as a PE and swim teacher. Mr Nelson studied Business Economics and Sport & Exercise Science at Middlesex University London, before going on to qualify with his Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Physical Education). Outside of school, he plays football for a local Bangkok team, following 10 years of playing semi-professionally in England. 

The school was delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Kate Buehler (pictured back centre) as Head of PE & Aquatics. Ms Buehler has a degree in Physical and Health Education from the University of Idaho. She also holds a Masters in Education with an emphasis on Teacher Leadership, and has taught at top international schools in Japan, China and Thailand, before joining City Campus’s founding staff team in 2018. Ms Buehler is a keen triathlete and Gaelic footballer. She also held a successful career in javelin. 

Mr Wes Silva (pictured back left) graduated from the University of Surrey in the UK, and has extensive experience as a primary school teacher, a fitness instructor and a PE and swim coach. Outside of teaching, he plays football and trains in Muay Thai. 

Within the extensive PE and swimming curriculum at City Campus, children are currently learning the importance of communication in sports by participating in various cooperative team sports including rugby (Year 6), hockey (Year 4 & 5) and football (Year 2). In Aquatics, children are learning about safety in the water and how to develop their breathing. PE staff have also been looking at what strokes the children have already mastered and what strokes need improving.

The curriculum is designed with long-term goals in mind. By harnessing the individual skills, the school's students become well-equipped to remain active for life in virtually any sport they choose.

Head of PE & Aquatics, Ms Buehler explains, “PE is very important at City Campus. Our goal is to develop ‘physical literacy’ and a passion for sport. Alongside our varied curriculum, we provide meaningful events to enhance children’s enjoyment and participation in sports and physical activities. We will be starting a swim team as well as a Under 9's football team for Key Stage 2 students, who are ready to take the next step into more competitive sporting opportunities. We are looking forward to another successful year of sport.


· Saturday 21 September 2019: U9’s Friendship Cup (Shrewsbury Riverside)

· Wednesday 25 September 2019: PE & Sport Vision for City Campus (Shrewsbury City Campus, parents only)

· Thursday 17 October 2019: Year 1-Year 6 Inter-House Cross Country (Shrewsbury City Campus, parents only)

City Campus runs a broad and balanced curriculum, covering sport, gymnastics, athletics, dance and swimming. The campus hosts an impressive array of sports and aquatics facilities, designed specifically for children aged 3-11 years old. To book a tour, please contact the Admissions team:

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+66 2 203 1222
