TERM 1 REVIEW 2019-20


Mr Edwards (Class Teacher) and Mr Silva (PE & Swimming Teacher) opened the morning with an age-old question - how much sugar is in our favourite drinks?

This workshop was the latest event in City Campus’s Tea & Topics series, which takes various subjects of interest within our school community and provides a forum for further information, knowledge sharing and advice. 

As with all Tea & Topics sessions, the Recital Hall was packed with parents keen to learn and share best practice on many factors linked to a healthy lifestyle. We heard why breakfast was indeed the most important meal of the day, and we were told what healthy options to look out for in convenience stores. 

Mr Silva reiterated the importance of empowered our children to make good nutrition decisions, enabling them to maintain and protect their own health effectively throughout their lives. 

Mr Edwards went on to share his top tips on helping our children to get a good night’s sleep, and we heard about the topical issue of screen time and the effect it can have on our brain function. 

The morning ended on a charge for all of us to equip our children with tools for a healthy lifestyle, to help them grow to be strong and effective citizens in today’s world. 

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