TERM 1 REVIEW 2019-20


Every Wednesday afternoon, young children and their parents gather excitedly in the Early Years Hub at City Campus, ready for playgroup to begin.

Named after City Campus’s founding symbol of kindness, Shrewsbury Starfish has become a must-do for local parents and their little ones. 

The playgroup follows the same ethos as the early years curriculum at City Campus. Our young visitors spend their time learning through play in a safe and stimulating environment. All activities are carefully prepared by our teachers and teaching assistants, to give our babies and toddlers plenty of indoor and outdoor sensory learning opportunities. The splash play pool is especially popular!

One mother commented, “I love coming into the classroom to see what is waiting for’s different every week!”

Another father told us, “It's a fantastic space for us to play in. It's become a wonderful opportunity for me to spend time with my child, and also to get to know other families.”

Parents are responsible for supervising and playing with their children. As a school, we feel it is important to provide these opportunities for parents and children to enjoy quality time together. As such, the team politely asks that nannies stay in the waiting area during playgroup time. 

Playgroup afternoons also include an interactive carpet-time session with one of our early years teachers. 

For families who are considering Shrewsbury for their children’s education, Shrewsbury Starfish is the perfect place to experience the school’s unique early years education for themselves. 

Shrewsbury Starfish takes place every Wednesday from 1.30pm-3.00pm (during term-time). Places are limited each week. Booking opens every Monday of playgroup week from 10am. For more information, please call the Admissions team on 02 203 1222 or email


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+66 2 203 1222
