TERM 1 REVIEW 2019-20


The Principal welcomed Alison Watson MBE, other VIPs from the construction industry and parents to celebrate the launch of Design Engineer Construct!® (DEC) at Shrewsbury City Campus. 

City Campus is the first school in Thailand to offer the refreshingly innovative UK-born D&T programme. Historically, DEC is offered to secondary school students, making City Campus the first primary school in the world to teach this curriculum with children aged 5-11.

DEC is a global education programme designed to equip and inspire the next generation of architects, engineers and construction professionals. Alison Watson, DEC Founder & CEO and former land surveyor carries an infectious passion for the Built Environment, and the opportunities that await for young people. DEC’s mission at City Campus is being led by Ms Katie Holland, the school’s specialist D&T teacher

“Access to the DEC curriculum inspires children from a much younger age, and gives them experience in these industries that they may not normally get until college or university,” Ms Holland explains. 

At our launch event, guests included industry professionals from Bentley Systems, Black & Veatch and Topcon Positioning. All three companies are at the top of their field, and are supporting City Campus with direct links to the architectural, engineering and construction world. 

During their visit, our VIPs spent some time with our students in D&T lessons. Year 6 were tasked with designing their dream home using computer-aided design (CAD) software. Finished designs included curved roofs, indoor waterslides and a hotel for dragons. 

Later that morning, our Year 6’s welcomed Year 2 into the classroom and happily took the chance to give their younger peers a crash course in CAD.

Our DEC launch culminated in a presentation for parents from Alison in the school’s auditorium. Our Year 6’s also took to the stage to share what they enjoy about DEC. One student told us, “I want to be an interior designer when I’m older, and I know that DEC will help me develop the skills I need in CAD and architecture.”

Alison Watson concluded, “I sincerely look forward to working with the school and making the DEC programme a huge success for the children and teachers at City Campus.”

Shrewsbury International School Bangkok City Campus is currently accepting applications. To arrange your visit or for more information, please contact our Admissions team on 02 203 1222 or email


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