Congratulations to our recipients of the Floreat Award at Shrewsbury City Campus this December!
Pema Year 2 - Nominated for his positivity, kindness, as well as his ambition in his musical endeavours in both piano and violin;
Sunny Year 2 - Nominated for her kindness and patience towards others as well as her effort and confidence in her learning;
Metta Year 4 - Nominated for being a fantastic student who is kind, caring and an excellent role model growing in self-confidence;
Daisy Year 4 - Nominated for her diligence in all lessons and commitment to participating in school such as Show Choir, Swim Team;
Phut Year 5 - Nominated for his incredible attitude and eagerness to learning as well as his strength in mathematical knowledge;
T Year 5 - Nominated for his determination and passion to learn especially his significant progress with his English and Thai;
Celina Year 5 - Nominated for her development in self-confidence and her politeness and kindness towards others;
Gary Year 5 - Nominated for his well-roundedness in many lessons as well as in sports, music, and his additional interests;
Bille Year 6 - Nominated for their incredible resilience and bravery during the Year 6 Residential where they overcame their fears;
Lexi Year 6 - Nominated for her significant commitment and improvement in strength, and stamina throughout Block 1 You-Time;
Maek Year 6 - Nominated for his incredible respectful, inquisitive and inspiring character especially during Year 6 Residential trip;
Sunday Year 6 - Nominated for his continued commitment to and outstanding progress in swimming as well as for his confidence.
As a school community we are incredibly proud of our students and their achievements.You all are a credit to our Shrewsbury City Campus community!



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