TERM 2 REVIEW 2018-19


3 Apr 2019

On 4th April, the Shrewsbury Community took a collective step closer to the Songkran break as they joined together in the annual Fun Run. 

The Fun Run is non-competitive event for the whole community. Runners are not timed, or competing for medals, but simply enjoying the opportunity to come together for a bit of light exercise.

The theme for this year’s event was “The Disco Dash”; complete with music, water obstacles, and some stylish disco dancer accessories (think wigs and sunglasses) to go with this year’s funky Fun Run t-shirts! 

Every year 100% of the profits from the t-shirt sales go to our charity fund, helping to support the work our charity partners do with people in need every day, and to deliver important projects that simply wouldn’t happen without the generousity of our community.  

Get in touch

+ 66 2 675 1888

