TERM 2 REVIEW 2020-21



The Psychology Massolit award is an opportunity for students to look at the subject far beyond the syllabus and learn more about the different areas of psychology from lecturers around the world. The course overall consists of 3 levels, bronze silver and gold.

Year 12 student, Remie recently received her bronze award after completing a series of seven courses, including topics on anxiety, criminology and the social cure. In order to complete each level, students must give a presentation on one of the courses. Remie chose 'Conformity' because it excited me and was linked with environmental psychology and sociology, both of which she is passionate about.

Remie is currently working towards her silver award which requires roughly ten more courses to be completed. 

"I just see it as 10 more ways to grow and fuel my love for psychology. I am delighted to have this opportunity to take part in the course as not only has it fostered my interest in numerous areas of psychology, but it also a great piece of evidence I will be using in my university personal statement to reflect my ability to learn around the syllabus," she said.

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