TERM 2 REVIEW 2020-21



Resistance training is a skill, one that is becoming increasingly important in modern sporting endeavours. Whether for aesthetic purposes, health or performance, our primary teaching-points for students who are using the gym for the first time are:

How to Use a Gym Safely

Student health and safety is at the forefront of everything we do at SHR S&C. For those walking into a gym environment for the first time, we first highlight safety measures and potential hazards. These include where to place their belongings and common areas they need to be aware of especially spaces where lifting is predominantly done. Before lifting, students are taught how to use and replace necessary gym equipment safely. These include proper racking and unracking of the barbell, proper usage of barbell clamps, exercise machines etc. 

How to Train

A crucial part of our S&C curriculum involves educating students on the basic principles of training. Fundamental principles such as progression, overload and specificity are built into the training program and drip-fed over time - this allows students to learn through practice, resulting in a richer learning experience. Our education also consists of good habits outside the gym, such as nutrition, rest and recovery, and sleep. For students with a firm grasp of the basics, we introduce advanced training principles such as training for strength VS training for muscle growth, compound lifts VS isolation movements etc. Under our guidance and facilitation, advanced students are provided with the opportunity to structure their activity according to their goals. Therefore, students can take ownership and bring their self-designed program into fruition while giving them the freedom to explore, experiment, and create a safe environment. 

How to perform Basic Movement Skills.


At SHR S&C, we believe in excelling in fundamentals. Basic movement skills commonly observed in a gym program such as squatting, hinging/deadlifting, lunging, pushing and pulling are common in our teaching curriculum. Movement quality is regularly refined and always prioritized overload for any given exercise regardless of training goals, age and ability. By the end of their school years, we expect students to execute these fundamental movement skills with technical mastery. Besides allowing them to train safely, having a solid movement foundation will enable students to maximize gym usage. They can perform a more expansive repertoire of exercises or learn advanced ones, all of which contribute to a more fulfilling training experience. 

As the saying goes, give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish; you feed him for a lifetime. Aside from physical prowess, we believe in developing independent people. Therefore, one of our primary goals is to provide students with the skills and confidence to utilize a gym facility fully. In the age of technology and with global trends pointing towards increasingly sedentary lifestyles across the world, we believe that resistance training, as a skill, will play a crucial role in long-term health and athletic development.

Shrewsbury’s student-athletes will soon have access to a brand new 340sqm strength and conditioning zone - part of a 1.1bn THB  construction project opening later in 2021. Read more about “Project 2021”  HERE

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