Meet the Teacher: Christopher Bellamy
Exceptional People Our Spotlight Riverside Senior Riverside Sixth form SHR ArticleShrewsbury Riverside extends a warm welcome to Dr Christopher Bellamy, our new Assistant Principal for Sixth Form. As well as leading the new Sixth Form team, he will be teaching Reading the World to our Year 12 students. He has previously taught Drama, as well as Theory of Knowledge in the IB Diploma, which shares many similarities to Reading the World.

Originally from the United Kingdom, Christopher has been based in London and Taipei, where he was the Deputy Head of the British Secondary and High School Section of Taipei European School. Before moving to Bangkok, he worked at St Angela’s Ursuline School in London as Assistant Headteacher in charge of the Sixth Form. In 2022, the school was rated Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted.
Christopher believes that students will flourish at school when they find meaning and purpose in what they are doing. He particularly enjoys working with sixth form students, supporting them to develop their own personal mission and vision. When it comes to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in education, Christopher draws inspiration from fellow teachers on LinkedIn. He particularly enjoys seeing what his former colleagues and students are doing.
What makes Shrewsbury International School Bangkok Riverside special for Christopher is how aspirational the students and their families are. Learning in the sixth form is an opportunity for students to explore their subjects in greater depth, and he continues to be impressed by the ways in which students in Years 12 and 13 are challenging themselves and each other. In the Sixth Form Commons, the students are firmly focused on their learning, and not a minute is wasted!
Outside of school, Christopher enjoys live music, particularly classical music concerts. He has already been to some memorable concerts in Bangkok and he loves the vibrancy of the city.
Christopher is looking forward to working with the amazing staff and the exceptional students at Shrewsbury International School Bangkok Riverside!